
Donkey Island

In: My artworks - My passion On: Hit: 2937

What is your favourite animal?

I like all animals, each of their characteristics makes them unique and interesting.

The favorite animal of Franco Falorni, owner of the Falorni consulting firm based Pisa, is the donkey.

Franco turned to me because he was looking for someone to take care of his donkey collection, and he asked me to create an installation in his office, which could happily exhibit his collection consisting of more than 70 sculptures of small donkeys.

I didn't want to be trivial, creating a boring installation. So I immediately set to work to create something dynamic, and I created a 160x120 wooden structure in the shape of an island that could accommodate Franco's donkeys, customizing it with particular wavy cuts.

I therefore made some openings inside the island to create small shelves on which to display the various statuettes, customized with my drawings and artistic mosaics.

I chose gray as the main color of the background, reminiscent of the color of the donkey's coat, and then added a touch of vibrancy with splashes and soap bubbles, as requested by Franco.

On the back of the structure I made holes to insert LED lights, so as to be able to backlight the structure. The Donkey Island is now installed on an external wall at the Falorni studio.

This adventure was very interesting for me, because it allowed me to combine my art with the passions of a client.

I am always happy to be able to collaborate with you to bring your ideas to life, or as in this case, to create a personal island.

And you? Tell me, tell me…

What is your favorite animal?


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